
My Next Thirty Years

I will be thirty in approximately a month; November 10th to be exact. I am excited and dreadful all at the same time. Excited because I will no longer be in my twenties-Hooray! Dreadful because I look back on the last thirty years and begin to wonder if my life has counted for enough.

If you know me then you know that I am a Type A personality. You know? One of those get-it-done type of people. I can't do a half-assed job at anything and I usually take on way too much all at once. Though these days I have learned the word "no". So then you will also understand my dread at turning thirty and having the sinking feeling that I have not accomplished enough.

I have not accomplished obtaining a degree. I have not given birth. I have not been out of this country but only once to Wales and England. I have not been arrested for protesting.

But then I take a less self-deprecating look at my life and realize that I have accomplished quite a lot. At the young and tender age of 19 years old I moved halfway across the country, away from my parents, and ventured out on my own. I eventually landed a good-paying job and have worked diligently to amass enough experience to support myself. I managed to steer clear of marrying a loser and instead married the love of my life. I have made unique, special, meaningful and cherished friendships with quite a few people that probably know me better than I know myself. I have faced a lot of my demons, stared them down, then walked passed them...leaving them behind me.

There is a country song out there called "In My Next Thirty Years" by Tim McGraw. He talks about doing some things differently and better in the next thirty years. I hope that I can do just that in my next thirty years. At the same time, in my next thirty years, I'm going to cherish the progress that I have made and relish the journey, even the pain, of getting there.

1 comment:

  1. You are alive, survived for 30 years, an steered out of trouble...That's an accopmplishment!! You have also left an imprint on the people that know you and love you (like my kids and I!). You love unconditionally and are loved the same way! You have made this world better, and God has chosen you and touched your soul. For me, that is a hughe accomplishment!! What do you think??? Love ya Moonray!!
